Here's the route I took:
Click for map.
The bike started pretty well, maybe about 10-15 kicks. And, of course, since it's been sitting for a month, the first thing it did was puke oil all over my boot. I should know better. One of the things that is going to get changed on this thing is I'm pulling that check valve and plugging it.

The ride was uneventful. The brakes are scary bad. But then again, they've never been good. It rode well enough for what it is. Only a few things that really need fixing that I've noticed so far. Tach needs to be rebuilt. Original speedo needs to be rebuilt so it can be reinstalled. Clutch lever needs to be aluminum rather than chrome finish to match the rest of the handle. Neutral light is out. Front brake light switch needs to be repaired. New tires & tubes.
That's the bulk of it. I'm going to reinstall the OEM pegs to put it back to stock.
Here are a few pictures from the road.

That's a pretty good introduction to Louisiana for the bike. It seems to like it.
I stalled it once exiting the driveway where I took the last pictures. Took about twenty kicks to get it going again, but she finally fired back up.
One thing it does not like is running faster than about 55mph. I think that I'm going to go up a tooth in the front and down at least two in the back to help out with highway speeds when I change out the original sprockets. It won't like getting off the line much, but it should be a little nicer to ride on more open roads.
Such a novel idea! I love it. And, of course I have to add, please be careful. You guys, yes, both of you men, still manage to scare me.
Hey are those my live oaks in St. Francisville? I couldn't get the map to come up so I'm just guessing. Beautiful shots.
Yeppers. The plantation near the Myrtles.
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