Grabbed yesterday's mail this evening and the parts I ordered from had arrived. The NOS derby cover is way beefy. Actually has webbing on the internal surface to strengthen it. I think I will use it instead of the other spare. The new shifter lever and toe piece are re-pops, but are good enough for stand-off scale. Main difference is the rubber in the toe piece has H-D written on it instead of Harley-Davidson. Otherwise, it's identical and not worn square like the original.
You could slosh some alcohol around in the speedo. That will remove the excess stuff.
I just remembered, in the boxes somewhere is another Kehin carb. It's newer. Maybe you could take the choke parts from that one and put them on the other. I swapped choke plates a while back. It made no difference.
God thought on the alcohol. Being all mechanical nothing else should get hurt.
I've got to inspect the choke gears. The plate is fine, the fingers just keep popping out of mesh.
What will happen to the computer on an H-D if it was totally removed from the bike for a couple weeks? A dealer only fix?
Computer? Like on a newer, injected, one? For my Buell, if you just put the same one back, you don't have to do anything. If you change the computer, you should reset the TPS. But in 1998, they fixed that issue as well.
That should be 2008, not 1998.
The nylon valve cap with the core removal ears is an original piece. I think it's on the rear tire.
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